We are Berwyn.

We are Cicero.



Rizoma Collective is rooted in the rhizome philosophy of horizontal power where all members have agency and the power to make an impact. “Rhizomes” are underground plant stems with roots that grow horizontally and can produce new plants, by nature being multiplicitous and decentralized. “Rhizome theory” believes that grassroots organizations run vertically, allowing individuals to gain power over the majority. In contrast, in rhizome organizations, members have power with others and work to find common ground to build collective strength. Just as a farmer clips roots that grow above ground, so do rhizome organizations remove individuals who amass power over others.  

As such, Rizoma Collective is a rhizome Independent Political Organization (IPO) comprised of Berwyn and Cicero residents dedicated to:


1. Electoral Power

Endorsing political candidates at all levels of government (ward, city/town, local, county, judicial, state, and federal) who represent the marginalized members of our communities and our progressive values and policies 


2. Accountability

Holding our elected officials accountable to act in the best interests of our community  


3. People Power

Waging and/or supporting rhizome campaigns and movements


4. Participation

Increasing civic engagement and voter turnout of historically disenfranchised communities


5. Vision

Ensuring our organization and leadership reflect our communal vision: Healthcare for All, Affordable Housing, Quality and Affordable Public Education, Sanctuary City, Environmental Justice, Small Business Development, Racial Justice, Defunding the Police/ICE, Participatory Processes. 


6. Leadership

Developing community leaders who will best represent our membership, serve our community, and move our work forward


7. Transparency

Promoting transparency within our organization and demand it from our government officials